We walked around and took lots of pictures. Here is one of me by this brand new (in the last 25 years) fountain over by the…what building is that?…um, somewhere on campus. Yeah, maybe I should visit a little more often. Note to self.
We ate lunch at the infamous Triple XXX or Tri Chi as it’s lovingly known by the students.
“Did you come here all the time?” My Marine asked as we sat at the crowded counter.
I looked around, trying to jog some memory. “Um…I don’t think so. Doesn’t seem too familiar. But my friend, Lisa, was on the music committee and she came here with Sting after a concert one time.”
I hope that Lisa’s interesting story rubs off on me and makes him happy.
I ended up getting a new plate for the front of my car and a black fleece jacket. Over the years, my Purdue gear has dwindled, so I was desperately in need of more swag. My husband encouraged me to pick up a few more things, but we decided instead to visit more than once every 25 years. It’s not that long of a drive.