An Excerpt from Floating Loose

Floating Loose

Good morning! I wanted to share a quick excerpt from Floating Loose since I realized I hadn’t done that yet. I sincerely hope you enjoy it! And if you have any friends who enjoy romance, the holidays are coming soon….


An Excerpt from Floating Loose.


They walked out onto the grass much farther down the creek than where they’d first started and hadn’t gotten more than a few steps before the rain came. They just looked at each other and smiled. They were mostly soaked anyway, so the rain wasn’t going to do them much more harm. They walked at a casual pace, holding hands and talking, until they were about halfway back. Then the wind kicked up and instead of falling gracefully, the rain began to pelt them in the face.

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Real Life Inspiration

Before I switch gears and turn my focus to my new book, Floating Loose, which is scheduled to be released on June 28, 2016, I wanted to do this post, which I’ve been meaning to do for a long time. I wanted to share a few pictures of some of the real life places that were inspirational in one way or another when I was writing Legacy of the Dog.

Picture the Donovan’s house on the left and the stable on the right. Plenty of space for everyone to park in between.

A view out across the field. Imagine grass instead of…are those soybeans? In the distance, the woods that they walk through to get to the stream.

When I began writing about the Donovan’s property, I was describing the way everyone came up the long drive and parked between the house and the stable, which were across the driveway from each other. As I was picturing it and doing my best to give a feel for it in words, I realized that the place I was describing was my cousin’s farm in Michigan. He’s a dairy farmer and also grows corn and soybeans, among other things. He and his family are completely awesome–some of my favorite people in the world! Once I realized that I was describing their property, it was fun to picture exactly how the Donovan’s property was arranged against that backdrop.


white hawk

Their town gets a name. White Hawk, Colorado

For my first two books, when I was choosing a place for the stories to occur, I first chose an area of the country. I went pretty specific and found actual spots on the map. And then I made up town names, which is a lot harder than it sounds. You’d be surprised how many of the town names you make up already exist. Give it a try sometime. For Legacy of the Dog, I chose Colorado, near the Rocky Mountains and then began the search for a name. In the end, I picked a name that had the feel I was looking for, which was sort of rugged and outdoorsy. It also happens to be the name of a country club in a neighboring town.

In the final scene of the story, when Ty and Jessie finally get a chance to be alone and talk, they go to a park with a small lake and a walking path. There are fountains in the lake and lots of trees and benches. And again, I was describing it before I realized that I had an actual place in my head. This park is two or three towns over from where I live, but it’s close to my brother’s house and I go by fairly frequently. I made a special trip over there the other day to take some pictures for this post.

Centennial Park 2

The park with the walking path and fountains.

Centennial Park 3

Where Ty and Jessie finally got things figured out between them.

Of course, whenever you read a story, you conjure up your own pictures in your mind of what everything looks like. Do these pictures look anything like what you pictured when you read it? If you haven’t read it, go ahead. You can get back to me when you’re finished. I’ll wait.   😀







It’s About To Get Sappy Up In Here

For this post, let me open with my closing lines.

I am grateful for you.

I appreciate you.

I love you guys!

Tomorrow is the release of my first book – Legacy of the Dog. I may have mentioned it in passing. Once or twice, maybe. (Wink, wink. Because really I’ve mentioned it a LOT, but you knew that.) It’s a huge milestone for me. It was 39 months ago that I sat down in front of my computer to try my hand at this writing thing.

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An Excerpt from Legacy of the Dog

To get in the spirit for next week’s release of the e-book version of Legacy of the Dog, I decided to share an excerpt. This is the first time any portion of the book has been presented publicly. I sincerely hope you enjoy it!!


(In this excerpt, Jessie is trying to prevent her brothers from finding out her real reasons for meeting with rude, loutish Nick. She is trying to solve the financial problems that their father has gotten them into and doesn’t want them involved – for their own protection. However, when she is caught with him at a bar, she panics and claims to be dating him. This scene is when Nick meets with all of her brothers for the first time.)


Ty took the lead as the questioning began. “So, Nick, I should have asked you the other night…how old are you?”

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Last Minute Madness

The last thing – and I mean the very last thing – I was expecting a month and a day before my book’s release date was an email that asked me…

“Hey, what do you think about changing your cover…oh, and your title?”

What did I think? I thought – Are you crazy? This thing is only a month and a day away. And by the way, I’m married to both. I married my title well over a year ago and I married my cover several months ago. One does not just up and get divorced from their title and cover a month and a day before their release date!

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Is It Trashy?

I had my first experience with someone making a rude comment to me about my book, and it’s not even out yet! But then again, maybe that’s better. The rudeness was general, not specific.

I was at the bank and because I was a new customer, the lady asked me a bunch of questions for her form, including what I do. When I told her that I’m a writer (which does not flow easily off the tongue at this point) and that I’d written a romance, the following exchange happened.

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Mamas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Contemporary Romance Authors

We all hate to disappoint our moms, right? It isn’t just me, is it? To be clear, my mom’s not disappointed that I’m a Contemporary Romance author. It’s not that.

Ted, looking all harmless

In a moment of boredom, she decided to go see Ted 2. She hadn’t seen Ted, so she thought it was just an adorable teddy bear movie, like, say, Winnie the Pooh. If you’re familiar with Ted or some of the other works of Seth MacFarlane, you already know this doesn’t end well. Yeah, it didn’t.

Seth MacFarlane

Seth MacFarlane – Funny, Super-Cute and SINGLE!!

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My New BFF, David Sedaris

* To those of you who already know David Sedaris – you’re going to love him even more. To those of you who don’t – you’re welcome.

My sister and I had the great pleasure of seeing author David Sedaris in person last night. One of the stops on his book tour was just outside Chicago and we were there with bells on – his #1 fans!

He did an hour of book signing prior to the show, as well as afterward. As his #1 fans, it was appropriate that we be at the early signing. When the doors opened and everyone clamored to secure a spot in line, we ended up somewhere around 20th, maybe 25th. I didn’t count. While we waited, we struck up a conversation with the couple behind us. The guy, as it turned out, was David Sedaris’s #1 fan. After talking with him for a few minutes we decided that he did, in fact, deserve the title slightly more than we did and we became David’s #2 fans.

After a while, I checked my watch, concerned that the line hadn’t moved much. I leaned to the side to see what the holdup was. It was, of course, people. People who were talking to David for too long.

“They need to get a wrangler,” I said to my sister, “so they can tell people to hurry up and get moving.”

Continue reading My New BFF, David Sedaris

Me, do a Blog?


Beautiful FlowerI wouldn’t call myself anti-blog, exactly, but I’ll admit that I never fully got it. I mean, yeah, I can write about whatever’s on my mind, but why is that of interest to anyone?

But lately, during my quest to figure out what makes for good content on a website, I had a change of heart. I looked around at websites of other authors and found some great blogs. I realized that a blog allows the reader to get inside the brain and personality of the blogger.

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