Rock Climbing and Cooking (Things I Suck At)

I mean, if you want to get technical, I’ve never actually been rock climbing, per se. But when I was a camp counselor, I did climb 2/3 of the way up a wood tower before having to be lowered back down in my harness. It was humiliating, but in my defense, NO ONE can support their upper body weight with only their fingertips when holding onto a tiny wood block without so much as a groove to grip. It was a design problem, I assure you.
Look how easy this guy has it - with his fancy finger-friendly grips.

Look how easy this guy has it – with his fancy finger-friendly grips.

However, that wasn’t as humiliating as my day-to-day lack of talent in the kitchen. When I was young and full of hope and innocence, I had visions of the delectable meals I was going to prepare for my equally hopeful and innocent husband. Believe me, no one is more disappointed than he is. He still loves me, bless his heart, but what he really loves is a great dinner (from a restaurant).

One of the first things I made for him was blueberry pancakes. Long story short...they didn't look like this.

One of the first things I made for him was blueberry pancakes. Long story short…they didn’t look like this.

However, as I was cooking (term being used loosely here) last night, I was thinking about my post for today and I realized…hey, I have something to offer the culinary world, too. No, it’s not recipes or tips, exactly. I’ll leave that to the actual chefs or even people with an iota of skill in the kitchen.

What I have to offer is just a great idea. One of my favorite easy dinners is to take a packaged rice or noodle side dish and add ground beef or chicken. Boom! Dinner is served.

Mac and cheese = side dish.

Mac and cheese + meat = dinner.

See what I’m saying? It’s math. You can’t argue with it.

Nice try, Knorr, but it's been done.

Nice try, Knorr, but it’s been done.

AFTER I invented this, I saw a commercial from one of the side dish companies suggesting the very same thing. Yeah, that was me. I came up with that. You’re welcome.

2 thoughts on “Rock Climbing and Cooking (Things I Suck At)”

  1. Don’t feel bad you couldn’t get me to go rock climbing as I’m scared of heights lol.

    Cooking is a passion of mine though, kids learned to be honest though as I am always experimenting , told them “you’d better be honest or you will get something you don’t like more often that you would like.” Like to keep it as simple and quick as possible or it needs to be done in the crock pot. You would be amazed at little things you can change so food doesn’t get boring my favorites to play with are cheese cakes and meat loaf. I look at recipes simply as guidelines, let your imagination run wild

    1. Seasoning is where it falls apart for me. I can usually get the rest right (cooked through, tender, not burnt) but it’s not always tasty. I like stuff that’s already seasoned. The sauce packs for the crock pot are great, too. Thanks for coming by, Sherry. It’s great to hear from you!

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